To begin with, the title of the book is about the story before to be published it. The author is the “main character” and he describes the story of the book and how the people in charge to publish it did not want to. They said a book with twenty poems? That’s a joke, it couldn’t be published a book of just twenty poems which ones a guy wrote just for fun. Nevertheless, Oliverio Girondo didn’t understand why they were so melodramatic, but he realized later, it was a matter of money, and publicity. Oliverio answered that everything is important and the money is not the only way to see the life, think and feel, that’s the most important things in this world, because that’s a proof of existence.
The poems which are in the book are sort of interesting; some of them are completely nonsense –for me at least- but most of them are absolutely amazing, they are like pieces of story and how people do not realize about the other people around them, completely the title is a kind of parody of the idea of the book, because at the time of reading, you wouldn’t see the other people around you.
Most of people think that poems are just rhymes let me tell them something, you have a wrong concept of poems. They are a part of your story, your thinking and how you are feeling at the moment you write or think a poem, it’s not necessary that every word sounds like the last one, if you read a book like this, you could figured out how could be a poem. What’s more, the point of the author is show how we can take aside people to be we the main character of the our own stories, without realizing there are more people who participate too. In my opinion, the author makes his point in the way of writing and in the way of describing feelings sort of common, but with a pinch of irony or everyday reality, it depends on each one how you can feel a poem or an author.
Summing up, the main lesson that the book gave to me was a different way or a normal way of seeing the life and people, we are not the only ones walking, breathing and feeling in this world, most of us have similar or the same feelings that the author had, for instance, every one felt in love with someone, everyone took the bus or train to go somewhere, what did you feel at the moment you took the bus this morning? Were you the only one who felt the same? We are not alone, and you can express it in a poem, or just writing it in a piece of paper, or keeping it on your mind.
Nice!!! I liked the connexion you did between the title and the point of the author. I really love poems, I've always had. And, yes, we are not alone but quite separated, don't you think?
Did your read 20 poems in the subway? ajaja jaja jaja I'm very very very funny. I used to write poems but a day left it. I dont feel anything when I read a poem :( Sometimes, I do the same that the author of your book. You have to read my notes of facebook :)
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