Thursday, October 7, 2010

THE song I've heard this month.

This month I have been listening a really good song, maybe most of one of you know this song by Blur.
The first time I heard Tender by Blur was when I was younger -I'm not saying I'm aged by the way-, In that time I wasn't interested at all on that band, though. I was about 16 years old, and I didn't get the idea of the song, in fact, I wasn't quite good listening lyrics. Nevertheless, 1 year ago I don't know why, but I started to listen it again and I realized how describe me in some ways, I needed someone who could heal my mind, but not anymore. Furthermore, This song reminds me a phase of my life.
Tender by Blur, makes me feel sorta thoughtful, reminds me how much I thought months ago, waiting for "that feeling", as the song say. I was not waiting all the time, but I thought in one person who makes me feel in love, however, that's the reason I said it was a phase of the past, because we are together again. For that reason the song reminds me sort of the past of mine.


Marcela Palominos said...

I've listened that song! I know how you feel. I mean, "that" feeling is not something easy to feel. I like Blur as well :D Although that song I find a bit "cursy"

Teacher said...

I also really like them a lot. Especially Damon Albarn, what a talented guy!!! About feelings, glad to hear you are back together with that person.

CatayFranz said...

Blur is a very good group, there are many songs of them that make me feel something special. It's great to know a song can identify you, can make you remeber your past and also force you to think in the future.